Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Revolution OS and Hollywood

It would seem that taking one of the world's largest markets and making it free would be impossible. It'd be impossible not only because of the task, but because it seems counter-intuitive that millions of man hours could be contributed without pay. Not only has it been a success, but it has launched the entire open source world.

Today Hollywood is constantly struggling to figure out how to keep viewers from accessing their hard work for free. Jobs and livelihoods are at stake yet people seem to be able to click on a link and watch a movie with little moral debate. Though I understand that movies simply cost money, I feel there are so many passionate people who would love to be involved in film that it would be fascinating to see this same model applied. I believe the main hurdle is that people developed Linux because they wanted to use it for other tasks. It has been a platform that has led to the production of many businesses and ironically, is the primary OS among movie studios. Still, I believe that if the same amount of collaborative hours were put into film, or some sort of art, we could find a main stream manifestation of the true potential of society when so many work together towards one goal.

1 comment:

  1. There are actually all sorts of instances of free movie/video entertainment. many legal bittorrent sites actually have independently produced tv shows and movies that you can legally download for free.

    However, I don't think that hollywood will ever get the memo. They just don't understand the internet paradigm.
